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attha deep bhav swayam deep ho attha deep bhav swayam deep ho dayadharma shantichya pathacha patik tujha tuch ho kosalot varsha uthoo de zanzavaat asood bhijeche gheuni aa neenishant dhau de dishanna gheuni ya akant pan nischal asoo de jyot tujhya hatat tu avishrant samarthya uree ghe suryache roop ho manavya japaya ho tu manav aadhi divasa jaloo de asaktee chi nyadhi bodhisattva phooloo de tujhee ya othavarati nitaloo de tayatun siddharthachee neetee mokalya phoolatil komalta ho sugandha ananda ho tu jalnaranche ho avaghe saravangh ho hridayatayanche sod sukacha sangha jaltanna de tu mantra jagat yacha dukhhachya teneera sadayva sampavinyacha chaitanya ahinsa satyat yeti tuch murt roop ho

attha deep bhav swayam deep ho attha deep bhav swayam deep ho dayadharma shantichya pathacha patik tujha tuch ho kosalot varsha uthoo de zanzavaat asood bhijeche gheuni aa neenishant dhau de dishanna gheuni ya akant pan nischal asoo de jyot tujhya hatat tu avishrant samarthya uree ghe suryache roop ho manavya japaya ho tu manav aadhi divasa jaloo de asaktee chi nyadhi bodhisattva phooloo de tujhee ya othavarati nitaloo de tayatun siddharthachee neetee mokalya phoolatil komalta ho sugandha ananda ho tu jalnaranche ho avaghe saravangh ho hridayatayanche sod sukacha sangha jaltanna de tu mantra jagat yacha dukhhachya teneera sadayva sampavinyacha chaitanya ahinsa satyat yeti tuch murt roop ho

Poster of Jaywant+Kulkarni+-+(Buddhist+Devotional)

Swayam Deep Ho

Jaywant Kulkarni

attha deep bhav swayam deep ho attha deep bhav swayam deep ho dayadharma shantichya pathacha patik tujha tuch ho kosalot varsha uthoo de zanzavaat asood bhijeche gheuni aa neenishant dhau de dishanna gheuni ya akant pan nischal asoo de jyot tujhya hatat tu avishrant samarthya uree ghe suryache roop ho manavya japaya ho tu manav aadhi divasa jaloo de asaktee chi nyadhi bodhisattva phooloo de tujhee ya othavarati nitaloo de tayatun siddharthachee neetee mokalya phoolatil komalta ho sugandha ananda ho tu jalnaranche ho avaghe saravangh ho hridayatayanche sod sukacha sangha jaltanna de tu mantra jagat yacha dukhhachya teneera sadayva sampavinyacha chaitanya ahinsa satyat yeti tuch murt roop ho

Jaywant Kulkarni

Song Title : Swayam Deep Ho
Album/Film : Jaywant Kulkarni
Singer : Jaywant Kulkarni
Music Director : Madhukar

FAQs for Swayam Deep Ho

Q. In which year the Album/Film Jaywant Kulkarni released? >

A. Jaywant Kulkarni was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Jaywant Kulkarni ? >

A. was the Production of Jaywant Kulkarni .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Jaywant Kulkarni ? >

A. was the Producer of in Jaywant Kulkarni .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Jaywant Kulkarni ? >

A. was the Director of Jaywant Kulkarni .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Jaywant Kulkarni ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Jaywant Kulkarni .

Q. Who wrote the song Swayam Deep Ho ? >

A. Shantaram Nandgaonkar wrote the song Swayam Deep Ho

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Swayam Deep Ho ? >

A. Shantaram Nandgaonkar was the lyricsts of song Swayam Deep Ho .

Q. Who is Singer of song Swayam Deep Ho ? >

A. Jaywant Kulkarni was the Singer's of song Swayam Deep Ho .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Swayam Deep Ho ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Swayam Deep Ho .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Swayam Deep Ho ? >

A. Madhukar was the Music Director of song Swayam Deep Ho .

Q. In which raag Swayam Deep Ho song was sung? >

A. Swayam Deep Ho song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Swayam Deep Ho song was sung? >

A. Swayam Deep Ho song was sung in taal .