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dhag datuni yetat mann vahuni netaat dhag datuni yetat mann vahuni netaat rutu pavsali solha themb houni jataat sar yeteeee majhyat mati levuniya gandh hot jate dhund dhund mati levuniya gandh hot jate dhund dhund tichya antraat khol ankurato ek bandh bandh bandh mule harkhuni jataat jhade paus hotaat mule harkhuni jataat jhade paus hotaat rutu pavsali solha themb houni jataat sar yeteeee majhyat jiv hoto ola chimb jiv hoto ola chimb gheto pakharache pankh gheto pakharache pankh sarya abhalala deto ek olasar rang rang rang shabd bhijuni jataat arth thembana yetaat shabd bhijuni jataat arth thembana yetaat rutu pavsali solha themb houni jataat sar yeteeee majhyat

dhag datuni yetat mann vahuni netaat dhag datuni yetat mann vahuni netaat rutu pavsali solha themb houni jataat sar yeteeee majhyat mati levuniya gandh hot jate dhund dhund mati levuniya gandh hot jate dhund dhund tichya antraat khol ankurato ek bandh bandh bandh mule harkhuni jataat jhade paus hotaat mule harkhuni jataat jhade paus hotaat rutu pavsali solha themb houni jataat sar yeteeee majhyat jiv hoto ola chimb jiv hoto ola chimb gheto pakharache pankh gheto pakharache pankh sarya abhalala deto ek olasar rang rang rang shabd bhijuni jataat arth thembana yetaat shabd bhijuni jataat arth thembana yetaat rutu pavsali solha themb houni jataat sar yeteeee majhyat

Poster of Aai+Shapath+(2006)+-+(Marathi)

Dhag Datuni Yetal

Aai Shapath (2006)

dhag datuni yetat mann vahuni netaat dhag datuni yetat mann vahuni netaat rutu pavsali solha themb houni jataat sar yeteeee majhyat mati levuniya gandh hot jate dhund dhund mati levuniya gandh hot jate dhund dhund tichya antraat khol ankurato ek bandh bandh bandh mule harkhuni jataat jhade paus hotaat mule harkhuni jataat jhade paus hotaat rutu pavsali solha themb houni jataat sar yeteeee majhyat jiv hoto ola chimb jiv hoto ola chimb gheto pakharache pankh gheto pakharache pankh sarya abhalala deto ek olasar rang rang rang shabd bhijuni jataat arth thembana yetaat shabd bhijuni jataat arth thembana yetaat rutu pavsali solha themb houni jataat sar yeteeee majhyat

Sadhana Sargam

Song Title : Dhag Datuni Yetal
Album/Film : Aai Shapath (2006)
Release Year : 2006
Lyrics : Saumitra
Singer : Sadhana Sargam
OnScreen Actors : Mansi Salvi
Music Director : Ashok Patki

FAQs for Dhag Datuni Yetal

Q. In which year the Album/Film Aai Shapath (2006) released? >

A. Aai Shapath (2006) was released in 2006 .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Aai Shapath (2006) ? >

A. was the Production of Aai Shapath (2006) .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Aai Shapath (2006) ? >

A. was the Producer of in Aai Shapath (2006) .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Aai Shapath (2006) ? >

A. was the Director of Aai Shapath (2006) .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Aai Shapath (2006) ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Aai Shapath (2006) .

Q. Who wrote the song Dhag Datuni Yetal ? >

A. Saumitra wrote the song Dhag Datuni Yetal

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Dhag Datuni Yetal ? >

A. Saumitra was the lyricsts of song Dhag Datuni Yetal .

Q. Who is Singer of song Dhag Datuni Yetal ? >

A. Sadhana Sargam was the Singer's of song Dhag Datuni Yetal .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Dhag Datuni Yetal ? >

A. Mansi Salvi was the OnScreen Actors of song Dhag Datuni Yetal .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Dhag Datuni Yetal ? >

A. Ashok Patki was the Music Director of song Dhag Datuni Yetal .

Q. In which raag Dhag Datuni Yetal song was sung? >

A. Dhag Datuni Yetal song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Dhag Datuni Yetal song was sung? >

A. Dhag Datuni Yetal song was sung in taal .