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tu amartej tav akhand samarthyache tu amartej tav akhand samarthyache dalitanchya deepa pranam tuj vishwache tu howuni jeevan patitanche vishrama chikhalat phulawili sahasra kamale bheema sarwaswa vahuni dalitanchya uddhara tu pawan teja ujwal keli nama tu jeevan jijhale matila gandhache dalitanchya deepa pranam tuj vishwache satyagraha karuni dakhvile jag saare chavdaar talyachi ughad keli daari nitchyakrut rahuni nyaya dila dalitanna zunjlas ya tav gheuni dvesh nikhare ghan tami ujalile lakshdeep dnyanache dalitanchya deepa pranam tuj vishwache

tu amartej tav akhand samarthyache tu amartej tav akhand samarthyache dalitanchya deepa pranam tuj vishwache tu howuni jeevan patitanche vishrama chikhalat phulawili sahasra kamale bheema sarwaswa vahuni dalitanchya uddhara tu pawan teja ujwal keli nama tu jeevan jijhale matila gandhache dalitanchya deepa pranam tuj vishwache satyagraha karuni dakhvile jag saare chavdaar talyachi ughad keli daari nitchyakrut rahuni nyaya dila dalitanna zunjlas ya tav gheuni dvesh nikhare ghan tami ujalile lakshdeep dnyanache dalitanchya deepa pranam tuj vishwache

Poster of T+Meena+-+(Buddhist+Devotional)

Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache

T Meena

tu amartej tav akhand samarthyache tu amartej tav akhand samarthyache dalitanchya deepa pranam tuj vishwache tu howuni jeevan patitanche vishrama chikhalat phulawili sahasra kamale bheema sarwaswa vahuni dalitanchya uddhara tu pawan teja ujwal keli nama tu jeevan jijhale matila gandhache dalitanchya deepa pranam tuj vishwache satyagraha karuni dakhvile jag saare chavdaar talyachi ughad keli daari nitchyakrut rahuni nyaya dila dalitanna zunjlas ya tav gheuni dvesh nikhare ghan tami ujalile lakshdeep dnyanache dalitanchya deepa pranam tuj vishwache

T Meena

Song Title : Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache
Album/Film : T Meena
Singer : T Meena
Music Director : Madhukar Pathak

FAQs for Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache

Q. In which year the Album/Film T Meena released? >

A. T Meena was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film T Meena ? >

A. was the Production of T Meena .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film T Meena ? >

A. was the Producer of in T Meena .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film T Meena ? >

A. was the Director of T Meena .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film T Meena ? >

A. was the Film Actors of T Meena .

Q. Who wrote the song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache ? >

A. Shantaram Nandgaonkar wrote the song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache ? >

A. Shantaram Nandgaonkar was the lyricsts of song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache .

Q. Who is Singer of song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache ? >

A. T Meena was the Singer's of song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache ? >

A. Madhukar Pathak was the Music Director of song Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache .

Q. In which raag Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache song was sung? >

A. Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache song was sung? >

A. Dalitanchya Deepa Pranam Tuj Vishwache song was sung in taal .