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aakalesthe annam pedata alisoste oil pedata moodoste muddulu pedata chinnodaa aa sye ante sundaykosta rent is the tente vesta hintisthe vente vosta bullodaa aa aha vayasanna maata maa vamsamlo ledu are maavolladi tappa yevarasa padadu ledanna maata ne palikinde ledu padakintlo yevadu pagalantoo raadu aakalesthe aakalesthe aakalesthe annam pedata alisoste oil pedata moodoste muddulu pedata chinnodaa aa yeta goppaina aa melem bangaram grippulona paditegani kaadu vaddanam yenta churukaina nee gundelo vegam naa vollokocchi paditegani raadura moksham are andala arakokammo naamede padabokammo andala arakokammo naamede padabokammo mari mari tagilithe nee chevi melikalu tappavu bullammo aakalesthe annam pedata alisoste oil pedata moodoste muddulu pedata chinnodaa aa santalo parugum ika aaduko beram aasoodi mandai gucchero nee choopulo kaaram kaadu sanivaram mari yendukee dooram nee gaali soki jivvu mandi kanne singaram are naazooku nadumompammo paruvalu atu tippammo

aakalesthe annam pedata alisoste oil pedata moodoste muddulu pedata chinnodaa aa sye ante sundaykosta rent is the tente vesta hintisthe vente vosta bullodaa aa aha vayasanna maata maa vamsamlo ledu are maavolladi tappa yevarasa padadu ledanna maata ne palikinde ledu padakintlo yevadu pagalantoo raadu aakalesthe aakalesthe aakalesthe annam pedata alisoste oil pedata moodoste muddulu pedata chinnodaa aa yeta goppaina aa melem bangaram grippulona paditegani kaadu vaddanam yenta churukaina nee gundelo vegam naa vollokocchi paditegani raadura moksham are andala arakokammo naamede padabokammo andala arakokammo naamede padabokammo mari mari tagilithe nee chevi melikalu tappavu bullammo aakalesthe annam pedata alisoste oil pedata moodoste muddulu pedata chinnodaa aa santalo parugum ika aaduko beram aasoodi mandai gucchero nee choopulo kaaram kaadu sanivaram mari yendukee dooram nee gaali soki jivvu mandi kanne singaram are naazooku nadumompammo paruvalu atu tippammo

Poster of Shankardada+Zindabad+(2007)+-+(Telugu)


Shankardada Zindabad (2007)

aakalesthe annam pedata alisoste oil pedata moodoste muddulu pedata chinnodaa aa sye ante sundaykosta rent is the tente vesta hintisthe vente vosta bullodaa aa aha vayasanna maata maa vamsamlo ledu are maavolladi tappa yevarasa padadu ledanna maata ne palikinde ledu padakintlo yevadu pagalantoo raadu aakalesthe aakalesthe aakalesthe annam pedata alisoste oil pedata moodoste muddulu pedata chinnodaa aa yeta goppaina aa melem bangaram grippulona paditegani kaadu vaddanam yenta churukaina nee gundelo vegam naa vollokocchi paditegani raadura moksham are andala arakokammo naamede padabokammo andala arakokammo naamede padabokammo mari mari tagilithe nee chevi melikalu tappavu bullammo aakalesthe annam pedata alisoste oil pedata moodoste muddulu pedata chinnodaa aa santalo parugum ika aaduko beram aasoodi mandai gucchero nee choopulo kaaram kaadu sanivaram mari yendukee dooram nee gaali soki jivvu mandi kanne singaram are naazooku nadumompammo paruvalu atu tippammo

Chiranjeevi, Srikant, Karishma Kotak

Mamta Mohandas, Naveen

Song Title : Aakalesthe
Album/Film : Shankardada Zindabad (2007)
Release Year : 2007
Production : Gemini Film Circuits
Producer : Chota K Naidu
Director : Prabhu Deva
Film Actors : Chiranjeevi, Srikant, Karishma Kotak
Lyrics : Sahithi
Singer : Mamta Mohandas, Naveen
OnScreen Actors : Chiranjeevi, Karishma Kotak
Music Director : Devi Sri Prasad

FAQs for Aakalesthe

Q. In which year the Album/Film Shankardada Zindabad (2007) released? >

A. Shankardada Zindabad (2007) was released in 2007 .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Shankardada Zindabad (2007) ? >

A. Gemini Film Circuits was the Production of Shankardada Zindabad (2007) .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Shankardada Zindabad (2007) ? >

A. Chota K Naidu was the Producer of in Shankardada Zindabad (2007) .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Shankardada Zindabad (2007) ? >

A. Prabhu Deva was the Director of Shankardada Zindabad (2007) .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Shankardada Zindabad (2007) ? >

A. Chiranjeevi, Srikant, Karishma Kotak was the Film Actors of Shankardada Zindabad (2007) .

Q. Who wrote the song Aakalesthe ? >

A. Sahithi wrote the song Aakalesthe

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Aakalesthe ? >

A. Sahithi was the lyricsts of song Aakalesthe .

Q. Who is Singer of song Aakalesthe ? >

A. Mamta Mohandas, Naveen was the Singer's of song Aakalesthe .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Aakalesthe ? >

A. Chiranjeevi, Karishma Kotak was the OnScreen Actors of song Aakalesthe .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Aakalesthe ? >

A. Devi Sri Prasad was the Music Director of song Aakalesthe .

Q. In which raag Aakalesthe song was sung? >

A. Aakalesthe song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Aakalesthe song was sung? >

A. Aakalesthe song was sung in taal .