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tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tumi tai du haat bhore dile agun ujaar kore se ki tomaar ahonkaar tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tumi chao baul bataas kingba hotath sorbonasha agun khela shanto akashe tokhon sanjher bela tumi chao baul bataas kingba hotath sorbonasha agun khela shanto akashe tokhon sanjher bela emni tomar ichchhe cho lajai bheshe jai pagolpara tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura jodi dhoro jetar baazi ami herei jete raazi jodi dhoro jetar baazi ami herei jete raazi kokhono ki shunno mon aronno kone houni nijer mukhomuki bhalobashar andhar tomai podai ni ki kokhono ki shunno mon aronno kone houni nijer mukhomuki bhalobashar andhar tomai podai ni ki se andhare tumi ki amar ahonkarer paoni sada tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tumi tai du haat bhore dile agun ujaar kore se ki tomaar ahonkaar tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura

tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tumi tai du haat bhore dile agun ujaar kore se ki tomaar ahonkaar tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tumi chao baul bataas kingba hotath sorbonasha agun khela shanto akashe tokhon sanjher bela tumi chao baul bataas kingba hotath sorbonasha agun khela shanto akashe tokhon sanjher bela emni tomar ichchhe cho lajai bheshe jai pagolpara tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura jodi dhoro jetar baazi ami herei jete raazi jodi dhoro jetar baazi ami herei jete raazi kokhono ki shunno mon aronno kone houni nijer mukhomuki bhalobashar andhar tomai podai ni ki kokhono ki shunno mon aronno kone houni nijer mukhomuki bhalobashar andhar tomai podai ni ki se andhare tumi ki amar ahonkarer paoni sada tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tumi tai du haat bhore dile agun ujaar kore se ki tomaar ahonkaar tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura

Poster of Subhamita+Banerjee+-+(Bengali+Modern+Songs)

Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche

Subhamita Banerjee

tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tumi tai du haat bhore dile agun ujaar kore se ki tomaar ahonkaar tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tumi chao baul bataas kingba hotath sorbonasha agun khela shanto akashe tokhon sanjher bela tumi chao baul bataas kingba hotath sorbonasha agun khela shanto akashe tokhon sanjher bela emni tomar ichchhe cho lajai bheshe jai pagolpara tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura jodi dhoro jetar baazi ami herei jete raazi jodi dhoro jetar baazi ami herei jete raazi kokhono ki shunno mon aronno kone houni nijer mukhomuki bhalobashar andhar tomai podai ni ki kokhono ki shunno mon aronno kone houni nijer mukhomuki bhalobashar andhar tomai podai ni ki se andhare tumi ki amar ahonkarer paoni sada tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tumi tai du haat bhore dile agun ujaar kore se ki tomaar ahonkaar tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura tomar kache fagun cheyeche krishnochura

Subhamita Banerjee

Song Title : Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche
Album/Film : Subhamita Banerjee
Release Year :
Lyrics : Goutam Ghoshal
Singer : Subhamita Banerjee
Music Director : Goutam Ghoshal

FAQs for Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche

Q. In which year the Album/Film Subhamita Banerjee released? >

A. Subhamita Banerjee was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Subhamita Banerjee ? >

A. was the Production of Subhamita Banerjee .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Subhamita Banerjee ? >

A. was the Producer of in Subhamita Banerjee .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Subhamita Banerjee ? >

A. was the Director of Subhamita Banerjee .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Subhamita Banerjee ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Subhamita Banerjee .

Q. Who wrote the song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche ? >

A. Goutam Ghoshal wrote the song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche ? >

A. Goutam Ghoshal was the lyricsts of song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche .

Q. Who is Singer of song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche ? >

A. Subhamita Banerjee was the Singer's of song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche ? >

A. Goutam Ghoshal was the Music Director of song Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche .

Q. In which raag Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche song was sung? >

A. Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche song was sung? >

A. Tomar Kache Fagun Cheyeche song was sung in taal .