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dharanir pathe pathe dhuli hoye roye jabo ei kamonay aar kichhu nai dharanir pathe pathe dhuli hoye roye jabo ei kamonay aar kichhu nai agamir paye paye amio pouchhe jabo sei thikanay aar kichhu nai kato gaan kato asha kato chhilo bhalobasa magano sapon e pather dui dhare bijeri maton tare korechhi bapon pothik jakhon jani toru shakha pallabe kichhu chhaya hoye rabe kon sadhonay dharanir pathe pathe dhuli hoye roye jabo ei kamonay aar kichhu nai janomo lagano dhore patakar mato kore ei pelam jete jete krome krome kakhono giyechhi theme theme gechhe shaas tumi jodi kaal aso notunere bhalo baso adharete gele jeo morubedonay dharanir pathe pathe dhuli hoye roye jabo ei kamonay aar kichhu nai agamir paye paye amio pouchhe jabo sei thikanay aar kichhu nai click here
eto sur aar eto gaan jodhi kono din themey jaay shei din tumiyoto ogo jaani booley jaabe je amaay eto sur aar eto gaan kotho din aar e jibon kotho aar e madhu logon kotho din aar e jibon kotho aar e madhu logon tobu oto peychi tomaay tobu oto peychi tomaay jaani booley jaabe je amaay eto sur aar eto gaan ami to geyechi shei gaan je gaane diyechi e praan ami to geyechi shei gaan je gaane diyechi e praan kothi ney aaj kichu aar bulechi jaato kichu taar e jibone saabi je haraay e jibone saabi je haraay jaani booley jaabe je amaay eto sur aar eto gaan jodhi kono din themey jaay shei din tumiyoto ogo jaani booley jaabe je amaay eto sur aar eto gaan click here
nogor jibon chobir moton hoito onek ruter rongin choyon hoi to tobu bhab ne chokhe bonna aase neme ekhane hridoy bandhbena keu sokuntolar theme nogor jibon chobir moton hoito onek ruter rongin choyon hoi to niyon aaloi chander aalor ghoo ooo or saware sunchi jhornar tolo sor raaj pothe posa krishno chudai bosonto otlene raaj pothe posa krishno chudai bosonto otlene tobu ekhane hridoy bandhbe na keu sokuntolar theme nogor jibon chobir moton hoito onek ruter rongin choyon hoi to pasan nogre hridoyer dam nei daam nei pasan nogre hridoyer daam nei noyoner joto sopnero rong sob jane hariye bijli pakha chole vromer suuurrr dotalar chate haouar somuduurrr nojor notir modir noyon kalidaas geche theme nojor notir modir noyon kalidaas geche theme tobu ekhane hridoy bandhbena keu sokuntolar theme nogor jibon chobir moton hoito onek ruter rongin choyon hoi to tobu bhab ne chokhe bonna aase neme ekhane hridoy bandhbena keu sokuntolar theme nogor jibon chobir moton hoito onek click here
oi ujjalo din dake sapno rongin chhute ayre lagon boye jayre milano been oi to tulechhe taan shono oi ahoban oi ujjalo din dake sapno rongin chhute ayre lagon boye jayre milano been oi to tulechhe taan shono oi ahoban tari sure sure baje guru guru hok gaane gaane path chala shuru tari sure sure baje guru guru hok gaane gaane path chala shuru aaj antaro antare prantaro prantare kanthe chharabo ei gaan chhute ayre lagon boye jayre milano been oi to tulechhe taan shono oi ahoban oi ujjalo din dake sapno rongin chhute ayre lagon boye jayre milano been oi to tulechhe taan shono oi ahoban oi akashe batase dola laglo aaj jibane joar bujhi jaglo oi akashe batase dola laglo aaj jibane joar bujhi jaglo nabo uchhalo uchchase uddamo ullase chhande jagabo ei praan chhute ayre lagon boye jayre milano been oi to tulechhe taan shono oi ahoban oi ujjalo din dake sapno rongin chhute ayre lagon boye jayre milano been oi to tulechhe taan shono oi ahoban shono oi ahoban shono oi ahoban click here
pagol hawa ki amaro moto tumio hariye gele fulero bone hazaro ronger malay surovi roder khalay tare nahi pele pagol hawa bosonto jokhon deke deke jaay amare ki jani ki baronee se ase chute chute jorate chay amare bosonto jokhon deke deke jaay amare ki jani ki baronee se ase chute chute jorate chay amare bosonto jokhon bone bone tokhon batase matali basite ki kotha jay bole pagol hawa ki amaro moto tumio hariye gele fulero bone hazaro ronger malay surovi roder khalay tare nahi pele pagol hawa ebaar sango mon hayeche khela dijoyi dhora fule pollobee mala gatho tobe poraye dao dijoyini ebar sango mon hayeche khela dijoyi dhora fule pollobee mala gatho tobe poraye dao dijoyini ebar sango mon har mana hare amaree sajaye sojoni badhon dao mone pagol hawa ki amaro moto tumio hariye gele fulero bone hazaro ronger malay surovi roder khalay tare nahi pele pagol hawa click here
sara din tomay bhebe holo na amar kono kaaj holo na tomake pawa din je brithai gelo aaj sara din tomay bhebe holo na amar kono kaaj holo na tomake pawa din je brithai gelo aaj sara din tomay bhebe sara din gachher chhayay udashi dupur ketechhe ja shune bhebechhi eshechho se shudhu patari awaj sara din tomay bhebe hawara hothat ese janalo tumi to amar kachhe ashbena ek hridoy hoye bhashbena tobe ki ekai thakbo tobe ki amar keu nei sara din jemon ketechhe temoni ki jabe go saanjh sara din tomay bhebe holo na amar kono kaaj holo na tomake pawa din je brithai gelo aaj sara din tomay bhebe click here
tomar hashi lukiye hashi chander mukhete aamar hashi shrabon megher dharar bukete tomar hashi lukiye hashi chander mukhete aamar hashi shrabon megher dharar bukete tomar khushi uchol dhara aaaaa jhorna jeno pagol para aa aaaa tomar khushi uchol dhara aaaaa jhorna jeno pagol para aa aaaa amar bina sur bina aaj gobhir dukhete amar bina sur bina aaj gobhir dukhete aamar hashi shrabon megher dharar bukete tomar hashi lukiye hashi chander mukhete aamar hashi shrabon megher dharar bukete tomar chawa pawar majhei hariye jete chay amar pawa chawar kachei lajei mukh lukay tomar chawa pawar majhei hariye jete chay amar pawa chawar kachei lajei mukh lukay akash mati aloy bhora aaaaa tomar sure dey je dhora aaaa akash mati aloy bhora aaaaa tomar sure dey je dhora aaaa taraer chokhe tondra name othoi sukhe te taraer chokhe tondra name othoi sukhe te aamar hashi shrabon megher dharar bukete tomar hashi lukiye hashi chander mukhete aamar hashi shrabon megher dharar bukete click here
tumi bole chhile tumi bole chhile kono moner mukto jaay na to kobhu kena tobu mon pete hole moner mullo chai shunle sagore pathale amake jhinok kurate tai tumi bole chhile saradin dhore jhinuk kuriye sheshe anek ashay daralem kachhe ese saradin dhore jhinuk kuriye sheshe anek ashay daralem kachhe ese khinuker katha bhule chho takhon shudhale amare shudhu sagor kemon sundar balo tai aha amito kebol duburir mato atalei dube more chhi jhinuk khujte khujte sagor dekhar samoy to pai nai tumi bole chhile klanti te khoye paharer tire tire fuler pasora kuraye elem fire klanti te khoye paharer tire tire fuler pasora kuraye elem fire se ule malika gathle na tumi shudhale amare shudhu pahar kemon sundor balo tai aha ami to kebol bhromorer mato fule fule ghure morechhi tomar o ful khujte pahar dekhar samay to pai nai tumi bole chhile tumi bole chhile kono moner mukto jaay na to kobhu kena tobu mon pete hole moner mullo chai shunle sagore pathale amake jhinok kurate tai tumi click here
  Songs Title Sort Song Title Ascending Sort Song Title Descending Film/Album Sort Album Name Ascending Sort Album Name Descending Duration Song Number  

Dharanir Pathe Pathe subir sen 03:34 39469
Poster of Subir Sen
Subir Sen
Duration : 03:34   Song Number : 39469   

Eto Sur Aar Eto Gaan subir sen 03:14 36440
Poster of Subir Sen
Sudhin Dasgupta
Subir Sen
Duration : 03:14   Song Number : 36440   

Nagar Jiban Chaabbir subir sen 02:53 12730
Poster of Subir Sen
Amiya Dasgupta
Music Director- 
Abhijit Banerjee
Subir Sen
Duration : 02:53   Song Number : 12730   

Oi Ujjalo Din subir sen 02:51 37146
Poster of Subir Sen
Subir Sen
Duration : 02:51   Song Number : 37146   

Pagol Haoa subir sen 03:39 40624
Poster of Subir Sen
Salil Chowdhury
Music Director- 
Subir Sen
Subir Sen
Duration : 03:39   Song Number : 40624   

Saradin Tomay Bhebe subir sen 03:01 33004
Poster of Subir Sen
Subir Sen
Duration : 03:01   Song Number : 33004   

Tomar Hashi Lukiye subir sen 02:45 17958
Poster of Subir Sen
Anal Chatterjee
Music Director- 
Sudhin Dasgupta
Subir Sen
Duration : 02:45   Song Number : 17958   

Tumi Bolechile subir sen 03:19 39123
Poster of Subir Sen
Amiya Dasgupta
Music Director- 
Subir Sen
Subir Sen
Duration : 03:19   Song Number : 39123